1. Hog's ranking system (BAY-VP / 01)

The community will vote on what ranking system the project should use on HOG's collection.

Status: Ended on 19th of February at 19:00 UTC, in favour of Option 1.

A voting process will be used to determine which ranking system will be used for HOG collection. The options for voting are listed below.

1. The ranking method that was used for Bored Apes XRP. This method was used
from a community member, Human 589. 
Human589 used the standard industry method that was used in all BASGB , BAYC and MAYC 
collections, including trait uniqueness.
It is important to note that by voting this then:
Both collections (BAY and HOG) will follow the same ranking system. By being consistent. This will benefit holders of both collections. If you hold a rare Bored Ape NFT and a rare HOG, but different ranking methods were used on both, then having multiple different ranking methods might not benefit your BAY rankings to the fullest.
2. Using Rarity Sniper's method, list HOGs at https://raritysniper.com/.
It should be noted that Bored Apes were listed on (https://raritysniper.com/) a while ago, but the collection was delisted because their ranking method did not match ours, and many purchases were made beforehand based on BAY's rankings.
3. Use another ranking system available from XRPL Marketplaces.If this option gets voted, community will decide once again ,which Marketplace's ranking system the team should use.

Last updated